TUJU Tummy Massage Oil For a soft, relaxed tummy | Baby Products
Tummy Massage Oil
For a soft, relaxed tummy
As parents, we also suffer when our baby’s tummy aches. When our baby cries with pain and balls up its hands into a fist. Because massages not only help but are also good for experiencing moments of innermost togetherness, we developed our Tummy Massage Oil.
- without von mineral oil components, silicones und PEGs
- vegan
- certified natural cosmetics

Dear Parents,
Nearly every baby suffers from flatulence and tummy aches. The cause can be from drinking too fast. This often happens with babies whose mothers feel a strong milk-ejection reflex during breastfeeding, meaning your baby has to increasingly drink quickly. To help calm this, you can massage your breast before nursing to let the milk come to the surface – causing it to come out slower later and allowing your baby to begin to drink more slowly.
For very fidgety babies, I recommend a daily evening ritual whereby you give your baby a soothing tummy massage using our Tummy Massage Oil. I love the fragrance and the warming effect of coriander, which also has a loosening effect on cramps.
Your tuju.care-Team
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